Saturday, 27 July 2013

Slow down

Sometimes you just have to slow down, its like your body is forcing you to slow down, which I believe is God's way of saying "slow down."  Rest. Rest in Him.
Its like God is saying "hey, remember me. I'm your Maker. I am your Creator. I know you. I knew you before you were born. You were fearfully and wonderfully made. I love you. Come to me..." ...and then when I ponder all of that, I just think "how great is our God!"
Chris Tomlin wrote that amazing song, some time ago now, but I just love it every time. "How great is our God, sing with me, how great is our God..."
So right now, I'm very slow - an ear infection and sinus problems and vertigo will do that to you I guess, along with all the medication to go along with that...  I am reminded "Come to me, all who are weary and heavy burdened and I will give you rest..." 
Thank-you Father God for time to rest.

So I read a beautiful blog today and found some lovely words, which also mention "slow days".

"Golden glow
Bacon and egg burgers and tea from the thermos
Two peas in a pod on a winter morning adventure
Nature's perfection.
Slow days and match box cars.
A paper daisy she placed "just so" for me..."

Beautiful words. Simple moments and cherished little treasures from a day...a slow day!

I thank God for each day and each slow day!

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